Our group had open the new way in music. We called it the "Bohema-mix". The idea is to make the wonderfull music (to wonder anybody) by the chaotic mixing (with making kind ansamble) of different styles, different maners of soundmaking by all musicians of group. It's happend, that our music is interesting for people of different layers of sociality - between people who looking for some new, some spiritual-artistic openations.

13 feb 2000 is the birthday of Ctracti, but we had start som time early, since the autumn 1999 we was try to playng something, to compose, had some ocasionaly perfomances (the "Student's spring", "...autumn", New Year concerts etc). Our staff are changing very frequently, only leaders - Konstantin and Natalie Logvinov have realisation since the begining to this day. We hope, that actual staff will be 10-20 years. The debut album was made in 2001, this called "ôÈÅ ÆÙrst".

In the summer 2000 we went in the Stone Bowl, The place is in mountains Zhiguli, on Samara the Onions(bow). This place is well-known for the transcendence. Myths say, that there there was a village of sorcerers which was gone from the face of the Earth than the II World War was be. Since then there there are visions and any mysterious cases. We there have tried Hilly acoustics also had interesting spiritual night dialogues. Visions to us were not, have probably found it excessive.

In the winter 2001 we went to Moscow. Lived week, have acted in club of support of independent music "NONFormat", in TV show "Gloomy Morning" on the M1 TV, acted as well in the underground. It is a pity, that we do not live in Moscow - though also the rather dirty city, vain, but wthere are a lot of opportunities there for Ctracti.

In the spring 2001 we participated in contemporal ethnic music festival "Snakes and Stones" in Kazan. The Kazan rock music is entirely impregnated Russian and Tatar ethnic, Groups work on a high level, have an opportunity to act on the good sound devices, with excellent sound technics. Strong person Alexey Tihonov will carry out two semi rock, semi ethnic festival - "Equinox" and "Day of sacred Patrick". It abruptly. In our city anything similar is not present.

In July, 2001 we went to Austria, on Festivals of street actors Pflasterspectakel (Linz) and Strassenkunstfestival (Villah). Our cultural - patriotic attack has managed - the Austrians, not understanding In Russian as bewiched listened to our music. That proves internationality of musical language. Accepted us very affably, have lodged in 4-stars hotel, fed, paid. Once us has invited to act in the "Salsatheka" certain Cuban Hulio Lopes. It was cheerful. With Hulio we had strong friendghip, he even has danced for us the national dance and treated free-of-charge drinks. In the whole our music they have found very gloomy, that our group is one of the easiest in the environment of the Ulyanovsk rock. We have decided, that it's our, Russian, mentality is so gloomy.

Now in Ulyanovsk there are two alternative - musical actions. It's "The Alive Sound " which will be carried out by a philarmonic society one times in two months also represents a concert in which take part 1-2 nonresident, there is enough untwisted groups, and 1-4 local. We addressed to on opening of this action In September, 2000 with group "Ray Breadberry" from Ekaterinburg. Besides it, there is "SEV-club" in which once in two weeks it will be carried out the act with participation of 4-12 local groups. We acted there in present september 2 times - once on opening of season, represented a composition with thermenvox "The act of teasing of Budda by Priap", second time - on presentation of group "Wet Asphalt" even have played the remix of their song " Territory of twilight".

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